Intermediate Story Sample


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    I couldn't find the errors.

    It might seems really simple, but correcting a text will make your brain go "uh_ huh". That are the most powerful learning moments when you realize a mistake that you has been made and fix it. Many people doesn't realize that they's been made the same mistake in English by years until someone tells them that they're doing it.


    1) Mi español puede ayudarme a aprender inglés
    My Spanish can help me to learn English

    2) Con el tiempo, traducire menos de español a inglés en mi mente.
    With the time, I will translate less from Spanish to English in my mind.

    3) Puedo darme cuenta las diferencias entre los dos idiomas con la traducción.
    I can realize/notice the differences between the two languages with translation.

    4) Si traduzco algo mal, es una oportunidad para aprender.
    If i translate something wrong/bad, is an opportunity to learn.

    5) Puedo hacer preguntas abajo en la sección de comentarios.
    I can doing questions below in the comments section.

    In the choral practice: I want a neutral accent in English. "NEUTRAL" is pronounced " NUTROL" the E is removed by bringing the N closer to the U and at the end it is "TROL" the A is changed to the O and pronunced "NUTROL"?

    PS: the audio of the choral practice is not there.


      I couldn't find the errors.

      It might seems really simple, but correcting a text will make your brain go "uh_ huh". That are the most powerful learning moments when you realize a mistake that you has been made and fix it. Many people doesn't realize that they's been made the same mistake in English by years until someone tells them that they're doing it.

      2) TRANSLATE:

      1) Mi español puede ayudarme a aprender inglés
      My Spanish can help me to learn English

      2) Con el tiempo, traducire menos de español a inglés en mi mente.
      With the time, I will translate less from Spanish to English in my mind.

      3) Puedo darme cuenta las diferencias entre los dos idiomas con la traducción.
      I can realize/notice the differences between the two languages with translation.

      4) Si traduzco algo mal, es una oportunidad para aprender.
      If i translate something wrong/bad, is an opportunity to learn.

      5) Puedo hacer preguntas abajo en la sección de comentarios.
      I can doing questions below in the comments section.

      In the choral practice: I want a neutral accent in English. "NEUTRAL" is pronounced " NUTROL" the E is removed by bringing the N closer to the U and at the end it is "TROL" the A is changed to the O and pronunced "NUTROL"?

      1. 1) Mi español puede ayudarme a aprender inglés
        My Spanish can help me to learn English

        2) Good

        3) Good

        4) Si traduzco algo mal, es una oportunidad para aprender.
        If i translate something wrong/bad, IT is an opportunity to learn.

        5) Puedo hacer preguntas abajo en la sección de comentarios.
        I can doing ASK questions below in the comments section.

        Nutril (nutrël)

    2. It might seems really simple, but correcting a text will make your brain go “uh_ huh”. That Those are the most powerful learning moments when you realize a mistake that you has have been made and fix it. Many people doesn’t don’t realize that they’sve been made the same mistake in English by for years until someone tells them that they’re doing it.

  2. Hi
    I don't have an audio for the choral practice. There is a way that you can upload that audio?. the pronunciation of neutral is ( nu'trel) or niuu trel.

    Another question that I have is why we use do in this sentence. it is correct?
    You do need to challenge yourself

    However, in order to continue advancing, you do need to challenge yourself.

    1. First, if you need to download the choral practices, all your files are right here

      If the issue is something else, let me know.

      As for why we use DO in “However, in order to continue advancing, you do need to challenge yourself.” is to enphasize. You do the same thing in Spanish, but with SÍ. For example, “Tú SÍ necesitas ir a la tienda”=”You DO need to go to the store.”

      Make sense?

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